Educación Financiera
Tus sueños en la misma dirección que tu planificación financiera

Toma el control de tu vida financiera
Planea, organízate, ahorra y aprende cómo gastar lo que ganas
Principios de organización financiera
¿Qué tal aprender un poco más sobre este tema con nosotros?
La educación financiera no se trata solo de cursos y enfoques teóricos. Se trata de vivir diariamente con el objetivo de hacer realidad tus sueños. Después de todo, cuanto mejor comprendemos acerca de ingresos, gastos, inversiones y formas de ahorrar, más avanzamos hacia nuestros objetivos.
Principios de organización financiera
¿Qué tal aprender un poco más sobre este tema con nosotros?
La educación financiera no se trata solo de cursos y enfoques teóricos. Se trata de vivir diariamente con el objetivo de hacer realidad tus sueños. Después de todo, cuanto mejor comprendemos acerca de ingresos, gastos, inversiones y formas de ahorrar, más avanzamos hacia nuestros objetivos.
About Earnings and Spending
Do you know how much you spend per month? Who finishes first: the month or your money? Understanding your earnings and expenses is the single most important step towards achieving better financial organisation. A good idea is to create a spreadsheet that contains information about salary, fixed expenses, credit cards, etc.
Did you like the idea? Download a personal budget spreadsheet template provided by Beeteller here.
About Earnings and Spending
Do you know how much you spend per month? Who finishes first: the month or your money? Understanding your earnings and expenses is the single most important step towards achieving better financial organisation. A good idea is to create a spreadsheet that contains information about salary, fixed expenses, credit cards, etc.
Did you like the idea? Download a personal budget spreadsheet template provided by Beeteller here.
About Earnings and Spending
Do you know how much you spend per month? Who finishes first: the month or your money? Understanding your earnings and expenses is the single most important step towards achieving better financial organisation. A good idea is to create a spreadsheet that contains information about salary, fixed expenses, credit cards, etc.
Did you like the idea? Download a personal budget spreadsheet template provided by Beeteller here.
Plan Your Goals
Everyone has a dream, Start by planning and organizing your goals into short, medium, and long-term categories. Don't waste time - seize your goals! Write them down and outline the path to success.
Plan Your Goals
Everyone has a dream, Start by planning and organizing your goals into short, medium, and long-term categories. Don't waste time - seize your goals! Write them down and outline the path to success.
Plan Your Goals
Everyone has a dream, Start by planning and organizing your goals into short, medium, and long-term categories. Don't waste time - seize your goals! Write them down and outline the path to success.
Emergency Reserves
Emergencies happen. Be prepared! Financial preparedness can make a world of difference when unexpected situations arise. Numerous studies by experts highlight the importance of having 6 months' worth of living expenses readily available. But if this is not possible, seek to have a financial reserve according to your means, after all, this money can be very important to weather unexpected financial storms.
Emergency Reserves
Emergencies happen. Be prepared! Financial preparedness can make a world of difference when unexpected situations arise. Numerous studies by experts highlight the importance of having 6 months' worth of living expenses readily available. But if this is not possible, seek to have a financial reserve according to your means, after all, this money can be very important to weather unexpected financial storms.
Emergency Reserves
Emergencies happen. Be prepared! Financial preparedness can make a world of difference when unexpected situations arise. Numerous studies by experts highlight the importance of having 6 months' worth of living expenses readily available. But if this is not possible, seek to have a financial reserve according to your means, after all, this money can be very important to weather unexpected financial storms.
Don't Delay Your Bills
Staying on top of your bills and financial obligations is always the best option. This not only gives you peace of mind but also opens up better financial and investment opportunities. Therefore, strive to always be up-to-date with your bills and avoid financial costs and interest charges.
Don't Delay Your Bills
Staying on top of your bills and financial obligations is always the best option. This not only gives you peace of mind but also opens up better financial and investment opportunities. Therefore, strive to always be up-to-date with your bills and avoid financial costs and interest charges.
Don't Delay Your Bills
Staying on top of your bills and financial obligations is always the best option. This not only gives you peace of mind but also opens up better financial and investment opportunities. Therefore, strive to always be up-to-date with your bills and avoid financial costs and interest charges.
Renegotiate Debts
Do you have any debts? Start by listing all of them, from simple family loans to credit card expenses and others. Remember to write down the total amount of the debt, including its interest. With this information and your budget control spreadsheet, assess your payment capabilities. Then, contact the institutions and companies where your debts are held and negotiate your payments according to your budget.
Renegotiate Debts
Do you have any debts? Start by listing all of them, from simple family loans to credit card expenses and others. Remember to write down the total amount of the debt, including its interest. With this information and your budget control spreadsheet, assess your payment capabilities. Then, contact the institutions and companies where your debts are held and negotiate your payments according to your budget.
Renegotiate Debts
Do you have any debts? Start by listing all of them, from simple family loans to credit card expenses and others. Remember to write down the total amount of the debt, including its interest. With this information and your budget control spreadsheet, assess your payment capabilities. Then, contact the institutions and companies where your debts are held and negotiate your payments according to your budget.
Tarjeta de Crédito
Para algunos, esencial. Para muchos, el comienzo de una gran pesadilla.
Tarjeta de Crédito
Para algunos, esencial. Para muchos, el comienzo de una gran pesadilla.

En general, lo ideal es siempre tratar de realizar compromisos y pagos al contado. Con las facilidades y gratuidades del Pix, esto se ha vuelto aún más sencillo. Pero para quienes desean usar tarjeta de crédito, el consejo es siempre utilizarla con inteligencia y sin impulsividad.
En general, lo ideal es siempre tratar de realizar compromisos y pagos al contado. Con las facilidades y gratuidades del Pix, esto se ha vuelto aún más sencillo. Pero para quienes desean usar tarjeta de crédito, el consejo es siempre utilizarla con inteligencia y sin impulsividad.
Buenas practicas
¿Cómo utilizar mejor su tarjeta de crédito?
Buenas practicas
¿Cómo utilizar mejor su tarjeta de crédito?

Establece límites
Con la ayuda de tu hoja de cálculo de control de costos, comprende tus límites y posibilidades de gastos utilizando la tarjeta de crédito. Recuerda que el límite de la tarjeta de crédito a veces no refleja tus ingresos y que las compras a cuotas pueden generar un acumulación de gastos no planificados.

Paga la factura de forma íntegra
Evita al máximo los retrasos y los pagos parciales de la factura. Cuando no pagas la factura de forma íntegra, automáticamente entras en lo que se llama crédito rotativo, cuyos intereses son bastante altos y pueden convertirse en una gran pesadilla.
Soporte: +55 (67) 4042-3050
Defensoría: 0800-111-0014
De lunes a viernes de 8 a 12 y de 13 a 18, hora de Brasilia (GMT-3), excepto feriados.
Soporte: +55 (67) 4042-3050
Defensoría: 0800-111-0014
De lunes a viernes de 8 a 12 y de 13 a 18, hora de Brasilia (GMT-3), excepto feriados.
Soporte: +55 (67) 4042-3050
Defensoría: 0800-111-0014
De lunes a viernes de 8 a 12 y de 13 a 18, hora de Brasilia (GMT-3), excepto feriados.